Favorites in Roses
Bright Spark Rose Bouquet
Red Rose Bouquet
True Romance Rose Bouquet
Breathless Luxury
Lavender Rose Bouquet
Blooming Masterpiece Rose Bouquet
Yellow Rose Bouquet
Yellow Rose Bouquet
White Rose Bouquet
Pink Rose Bouquet
Enchanting Rose Bouquet
Sunrise Splendor
Sun Blushed Rose Bouquet
Looking for long-stemmed red roses or a modern twist on the classic flower? Look no further than Flowers by Coley. Send roses to Las Vegas and cities nationwide with same-day delivery! Order roses online or call today. Read more about roses in our FAQ below!
Flowers by Coley carries rose petals in Las Vegas! Call our shop on your way over to pick up fresh rose petals for any occasion you require. Or call us to arrange delivery to a local hotel or residence at your convenience.
The cost of roses varies by season. Roses generally cost less in the summer months, while availability and demand determine prices in cooler months and around holidays. We only carry the highest-quality premium roses for our customers at Flowers by Coley.
Make sure the vase your roses arrive in is always full of fresh, clean water. Re-cutting the stems at a 45 degree angle will reopen the seal from their last cut, helping your roses soak up every last drop of water. Keeping your roses in a pleasant, consistent temperature between 65 and 72 degrees is optimal for their longevity. Following these care guidelines will help ensure the lasting beauty of your vased roses!